Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ok, now that the holidays are over...

For crying out loud, I kind of gave up trying for Christmas Eve through New Year's Day. Too much distraction, food, drink, etc. So, I'm picking it back up tomorrow.  Exercising should be easier now that we have the stationary recumbent bike for the living room.  We went to renew our memberships at the rec center yesterday and they closed early for the holiday, so our plan was foiled! We're going to get signed up in a few days and I have until January 27th until the 6 week fitness challenge starts.
I have been on a clothing buying binge lately that really needs to stop. I have  bought work clothes, workout clothes,  and a few jackets to get me through this form of my body. I am unhappy with all of the clothes I have right now, but I don't want to buy too much for the body I have right now if the plan is to change it... so, trying to stick to bare essentials and a few things that will look good at any size. Gotta stop spending, though.
Ok, new start tomorrow.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Day 1 went well!

I tracked my food more successfully than I ever have before. It was easier without the distraction of work. Glad I'm getting started a while before I go back to work!

I took Willow out for a walk, too. It was much easier than about 3 weeks ago before I had revovered completely from my c-section.

My daily indulgence is and always will be my doctored coffee. I am not going to be sacrificing that. I need more easy snacks around to keep me from debating with myself about naughty snacks.

I controlled my portions throughout the day, measuring, counting, etc. That has always been a drag, but I get it! Working on begrudging it less.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Starting Again

Here I go again! But, this time I have a beautiful daughter to help me remember what's important and whom I will be building my new life around. I started WW again, but just the online option. Here's to doing it right this time!! To celebrate, I'm planning a walk with my girl tomorrow.